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Phil Best

Provides Insurance needs for families and parents Australia Wide


Brisbane, Queensland

Professional background

I started my advice business in 1992 as a multi-agent after a traineeship with National Mutual. Over the years, I’ve worked with seven different practices and licensees in different roles as a financial adviser. This has given me a raft of experience to assist my clients and what I do compliments my other role as a finance/credit representative.

Why do you like working with Sustainable Life Solutions as an adviser

Sustainable Life Solutions has made a total difference to the way I run my business. Their advice process and the presentation of options to the client makes it easier to do business. The compliance process is good value and I found the technology driven general advice platform to be easy to use and its professionally developed. They have access to Australia’s leading insurers and that’s great for my clients.

Key area of specialisation

I’ve always been focused on parents and families. They need life insurance advice to help plan for the future as they’re working hard to pay off a mortgage and to provide for their families.

Describe how you have helped a client that made you a great partner to the client

Some of the memorable parts of my work involve getting a claim paid. It’s easy to get attached to your clients in tough emotional times so whether they receive a lump sum payment for a serious illness or a short-term Income replacement payment, it makes my job worthwhile.

Geographical areas you represent

Southeast Queensland. I have also clients in the Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast region.

What is one thing you would like clients to think about when it comes to life insurance

It’s to ensure that they have the basic level of Life and Total and Permanent Disability cover to prepare themselves for the unexpected.

Your approach to general advice when you work with clients

I use a simple approach and that is – “I aim to provide a general idea of life insurance options available to you. You’ll need to work out what’s appropriate for you.”

Recommendations for consumers who are considering general advice

Majority of the people I’ve worked with under general advice are pleased with how easy it is. They don’t have to complete a bunch of forms and answer a lot of personal questions. General advice is a simple process and we use the same insurance companies products as they would receive from personal advice. The only difference is that we give a General Advice Warning to new clients about the appropriateness of our advice based on their circumstances.

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Sustainable Life Solutions Pty Ltd (SLS) (ABN 66 655 297 886) is an Australian Financial Services License (536966).

Any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without analysing your personal situation, financial needs and objectives. All products and information displayed on this website is subject to insurance policy terms and conditions including eligibility criteria, exclusions and limitations. You should carefully read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of our insurers to ensure that the product fits your needs. A copy of each PDS is available on this website or by contacting us.

© 2025

Sustainable Life Solutions


Sustainable Life Solutions Pty Ltd (SLS) (ABN 66 655 297 886) is an Australian Financial Services License (536966).

Any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without analysing your personal situation, financial needs and objectives. All products and information displayed on this website is subject to insurance partner's policy terms and conditions including eligibility criteria, exclusions and limitations. You should carefully read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of our insurance partner's to ensure that the product fits your needs. A copy of each PDS is available on this website or by contacting us.

© 2025

Sustainable Life Solutions


Sustainable Life Solutions Pty Ltd (SLS) (ABN 66 655 297 886) is an Australian Financial Services License (536966).

Any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without analysing your personal situation, financial needs and objectives. All products and information displayed on this website is subject to insurance partner's policy terms and conditions including eligibility criteria, exclusions and limitations. You should carefully read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of our insurance partner's to ensure that the product fits your needs. A copy of each PDS is available on this website or by contacting us.

© 2025

Sustainable Life Solutions