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Tony Smilevski

Working with professionals and businesses to purchase any insurance, without the need for advice


Melbourne, Victoria

Professional background

I started selling insurance products in 2009 and since then my business grew naturally from referrals. In 2014 I became a Financial Adviser and, in 2019, I passed the FASEA exam. In 2021, after more than 6 years in the Financial Planning profession and countless regulatory changes, I decided to start a new general advice business which would help people who did not want advice and those who could not afford to pay the increasing advice fees.

Why do you like working with Sustainable Life Solutions as an adviser

I chose to work with Sustainable Life Solutions for their automated compliance system and I haven’t been disappointed. All the calls are recorded and monitored, and to me that’s a very important part of general advice, to know you are well within the limits of what you are allowed to do and not crossing into personal advice. Sustainable Life Solutions provides support in the background that allows us as consultants to do our job knowing we’re doing the right thing by clients and that we’re ticking all the right boxes when it comes to compliance. This has given me the ability to write a lot more business. It takes about a fifth of the time it takes to provide full advice, and the costs to the adviser are minimal.

Key area of specialisation

I work closely with referral partners such as Financial Advisers, Mortgage Brokers and Accountants to make sure their clients are appropriately serviced and the relationship and trust is maintained until the client is ready to receive advice. Most of the clients that are referred to me are people who do not want advice, to pay an advice fee or are just time-poor.

Describe how you have helped a client that made you a great partner to the client

Over the years, I have helped clients claim over $2 million in benefits and this has kept me motivated to provide the best service that I can.

Geographical areas you represent


What is one thing you would like clients to think about when it comes to life insurance

Insurance is not a lottery – You don’t buy it in the hope that something will happen, it’s there just in case. You never know when something could happen, so you should consider having cover for as long as possible. Don’t buy what seems affordable today, make sure it’s affordable over the long-term.

Your approach to general advice when you work with clients

The General Advice process is simple. It’s about providing the client with what they want and the only way I can do this is by providing them with the relevant factual information so that they can make an informed decision.

Recommendations for consumers who are considering general advice

General advice is not a replacement for personal advice. They are both distinct services catering to different client needs. I’ve offered personal advice and general advice and I think there is a place for both types of advice. General advice can work in unison with personal advice; it is an easy way for clients to enter the insurance market. When they are ready, they are able to take that next step to personal advice. At some stage, everyone will need to receive personal advice.

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Sustainable Life Solutions Pty Ltd (SLS) (ABN 66 655 297 886) is an Australian Financial Services License (536966).

Any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without analysing your personal situation, financial needs and objectives. All products and information displayed on this website is subject to insurance policy terms and conditions including eligibility criteria, exclusions and limitations. You should carefully read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of our insurers to ensure that the product fits your needs. A copy of each PDS is available on this website or by contacting us.

© 2025

Sustainable Life Solutions


Sustainable Life Solutions Pty Ltd (SLS) (ABN 66 655 297 886) is an Australian Financial Services License (536966).

Any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without analysing your personal situation, financial needs and objectives. All products and information displayed on this website is subject to insurance partner's policy terms and conditions including eligibility criteria, exclusions and limitations. You should carefully read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of our insurance partner's to ensure that the product fits your needs. A copy of each PDS is available on this website or by contacting us.

© 2025

Sustainable Life Solutions


Sustainable Life Solutions Pty Ltd (SLS) (ABN 66 655 297 886) is an Australian Financial Services License (536966).

Any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without analysing your personal situation, financial needs and objectives. All products and information displayed on this website is subject to insurance partner's policy terms and conditions including eligibility criteria, exclusions and limitations. You should carefully read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of our insurance partner's to ensure that the product fits your needs. A copy of each PDS is available on this website or by contacting us.

© 2025

Sustainable Life Solutions